Winter Semester 2024/2025
Masters Seminar: Concepts and Applications in NLP
This seminar introduces linguistic background and essential topics in Natural Language Processing. The seminar starts with providing an overview of linguistic concepts and methods, such as morphology, part-of-speech tagging and grammars. We will then look at different applications.
The seminar aims at providing a broad overview over different topics of NLP.
Location: Room D2.11
Time: Tuesday 14:15 – 15:45
Lecture 1: Organisation
Lecture 2: Introduction to NLP and Linguistic Concepts
Lecture 3: Morphology
Lecture 4: Sequence Labeling
Lecture 5: Parsing and Grammars
Lecture 6: Classification
Lecture 7: Distributional Semantics and Embeddings
Lecture 8: Translation
Lecture 9: Word Senses
Lecture 10: N-gram Language Models
Lecture 11: Large Language Language Models
Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3
Speech and Language Processing
Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin (2024; 3rd ed. draft)